LifeChange Kids
Our hearts are open to kids
LifeChange Kids Sunday School takes place from 9:30-10:30.
Life Change Kids Church starts after we finish singing at our regular service. Kids ages 4-10 are invited to head upstairs with their teachers. We provide a joyful place to sing, color, create, and learn about God. Some kids know a little about God, and some know a lot. We help them to feel comfortable to ask questions, and learn at their own pace.
We offer Nursery care for ages 1-3 during Church
Emily Coulter, Children’s Ministries
Lora Ressler
Learners next step
Lora Ressler teaches kids from 4th grade through high school. Her class meets from 9:30-10:30. She is a wonderful resource and encourager for those that are wanting to learn more about God, the Bible and life.